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Cancellation Policy

Order Cancellation Policy


We understand that circumstances may arise where you need to cancel your order. Our cancellation policy is designed to provide you with clear guidelines and options for cancelling your order. Please review the following conditions regarding order cancellations:


Condition 1: Unconditional Order Cancellation

  • If your order has not been shipped (based on the updated tracking information), you can cancel your order without any conditions or penalties.


Condition 3: Non-Cancelable Orders

  • Orders that have already been shipped (with an uploaded tracking number) and the goods have left China's borders cannot be cancelled. In such cases, order cancellation is not supported.


Please note that the cancellation policy outlined above aims to provide a fair and flexible approach. We highly recommend contacting our customer support team as soon as possible to initiate the cancellation process. They will guide you through the necessary steps and provide you with any additional information or options available based on your specific situation.

We value your satisfaction and are committed to assisting you with any queries or concerns you may have. For more detailed information regarding our cancellation policy, please refer to our official website or contact our customer support team directly: